• July 31, 2024
Police Arrest 4 Suspects for Trading Cryptocurrencies with "Exercise Tickets," Involving Up to $11 Million

Police arrested two boys and two men on July 26 for allegedly trading cryptocurrencies to 12 people using fake coins commonly known as "exercise tickets". During the operation, police seized a large amount of counterfeit Hong Kong currency, which involved HK$11 million in the case, and the four men are currently being detained for investigation. The four men, aged between 14 and 39, were arrested after police investigations revealed that they used social media to lure victimized customers to counterfeit "cryptocurrency...

  • July 16, 2024
Guide to buying coins in Hong Kong: platform selection, payment methods and safety advice

Buying coins in Hong Kong mainly refers to buying virtual currencies. With the development of blockchain technology, virtual currencies are rapidly emerging around the world. Hong Kong has a number of well-known trading platforms and complete financial infrastructure. The government has an open attitude and the market environment is favorable.

**Keywords: Buy coins in Hong Kong**

Basic concepts of buying coins in Hong Kong, definition of virtual currency and introduction to the market environment

  • March 21, 2024

FX168财經 報社(香港)訊 香港證監會(SFC)在周四(3月14日)展開不尋常的行動,将大型離岸交易所Bybit添加到警告名單中,并将該交易所的多種産品列入可疑投資産品名單。當局表示,投資者面臨失去全部投資的風險,将毫不猶豫地采取執法行動。 此舉不同尋常,因爲Bybi…

  • March 21, 2024

據官方公告,為了提高系統穩定性,為用戶提供優質體驗,幣安將於2024年03月27日16:00(東八區時間)對錢包網路服務器進行升級,本次升級預計需要10分鐘。 升級期間,用戶代幣充值、提現申請可能會遇到間或暫停情況。升級完成後,系統將自動處理受影響的充提申請(如適用)。

  • March 13, 2024
虛幣平台再爆騙案 香港131人被騙1540萬美元

無牌虛擬資產交易平台JPEX涉嫌詐騙案餘波未息,香港近日又爆出「HOUNAX」虛擬貨幣交易平台騙案。香港警方昨日向公眾發出警告,指騙徒滲透Facebook或WhatsApp,假扮投資專家「分享投資策略」,誘騙市民下載虛假投資平台「HOUNAX」應用程式投資虛擬貨幣。 綜合…

  • March 13, 2024
警方接獲兩宗大額騙案涉款千多萬 受害人均是高學歷專業人士

警方近日接獲兩宗大額騙案,分別涉及投資和假冒官員,受害人均是高學歷的專業人士。 據了解,騙徒在去年底透過網站「LinkedIn」聯絡其中一名60歲受害人,對方自稱是投資專家,他們之後轉至手機即時通訊軟件聊天。受害人其後下載虛假的投資應用程式「Eikrt.me」並投資加密貨…
